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CPR Optimization

CPR (Cost per Revenue) metric optimization. CPR is one of the performance metrics which shows the ratio between the advertisement cost and revenue generated. It is displayed in percentage and a lower percentage means that advertising cots resulted in larger revenue. The metric is opposite to ROAS.

Google Ads Optimizacion

Google Ads structure optimization allows to identify best performing campaigns and shift the budgets to them boosting the performance. Also, it provides extra work in optimizing less performing campaigns to reach its potential

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PPC Optimizacion

The best Digital marketing strategy involves a number of channels and the interaction between these channels proves the best results. therefore PPC efforts should be combined with CRO, SEO and PR efforts 

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Google Search Ads

Google Search Ads proves to be one of the best channels for conversion. However, it is not true for all business verticals. Good keyword analysis and constant optimization and management are needed until this channel can generate good cost per conversion

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